Cash Based

Cash Based

Get What You Pay For

So why should you see a cash-based physical therapist?  Value.

When you see a cash-based physical therapist you are taking the power of authority back into your own hands and out of the hands of the insurance companies.  Do you value playing basketball on the weekends? Let’s work on that. Do you value being able to run that marathon well rather than just sort of ok?  We can work on that too.  You set your goals and no one can tell you how much they are worth.

The Choice is Yours
Don’t get us wrong, there are fantastic therapists that work in insurance-based clinics and some of you reading this have insurance plans that would make sense for you to find and visit those therapists in those clinics.

But for the majority of you, cash-based providers are likely the way to go if you want to be unwavering in the goals that matter to you.  It really comes down to what you value as an individual.

We realize that the concept is scary for some.  Believe us, the decision for us to become cash-based is not one that we take lightly.  However, our decision to pass up on insurance contracts means leaving the convenience of a revolving door of patients in the name of pursuing value based treatment for our clientele.

At Live Fit Physical Therapy we want to provide care to our patients that is not dictated by billion dollar insurance companies.  We want to provide a value to our communities that operates outside of the norms of a traditional healthcare company. We want to develop teams of therapists that are not victim to the typical causes of burnout that plague our 

Will I end up paying more for cashed-pay physical therapy?

In most cases, it is cheaper to do cashed-pay Physical Therapy than using your insurance carrier. Most patients have a $30-$50 co pay per in-network visit and you will be required to receive services 2-3 times per week, making it between $90-$150 per week just in co-pays. Also, like stated before, you will only be seeing for the condition your prescription is for and in a clinic where the therapist is seeing 2-3 patients at the same time as you to increase revenue. This is not the goal at Live Fit Physical Therapy. You will be seen once a week (most cases), with one on one attention, with the goal of developing a high quality whole body approach plan to meet your needs for in between $100-120 dollars per visit.

Virginia also has a 30 day direct access law for Physical Therapy. This means that you can see a Physical Therapist for 30 days without a physician referral, which could potentially save you fees in diagnostic imaging (MRI/X ray), doctor visit co pays, and other fees that you may not need, as the Physical Therapist expert evaluation can determine the root of your problems in most conditions.

Dr. Chazzy Morris, PT

Physical Therapist

Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner (CKTP)

Trained Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA)

"Restoring Your Good Health"